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Kenya mission


We need urgent and long term help to this family. The two youngest kids at 7 and 10 are in this picture.
This mission is an ongoing mission. 


We have concluded the building of a kitchen and a chicken coop with the help of donations. We have bought chickens so in a month time they will be able to lay eggs. God has truly been faithful. Thanks to the donations that was given during the Christmas holiday of 2019. 
There are still a few long term needs we hope to be able to help the family with. The oldest son is already under my care and is a college student. I hope to get get someone to support the 14 year old girl from now, High School out through university. If God puts it on your heart to support her, please let me know. 

After travelling around the world I know you cant't help everyone, and there are great needs, but you can do the best to help the ones that God puts in your way.I will tell you a little more about this family to give you the backdrop of what is now playing out on this mission.


In March 2019 Peter came into my life. He was a 19 year old young man living in one of the slums in Nairobi. He had been taken care of by a mission organisation that helps vulnerable kids get education, after his mom had become a widow. When the school could no longer run in his home district he was brought to Nairobi to finish his education in the main compound of the organisation. 

He had finished the Secondary school, but as most of the kids being handled by missions organisation, once they turn 18 they are on their own. With no network, no family to help with tuition for university and no job opportunities, he was volunteering teaching kids karate with his coach in the slums in Nairobi. His friends gave him shelter and provided some food.

Still continuing going to church, praying for God to intervene, he was smiling but his heart had no joy. Then I met him and I spoke life into his life, shared God's love and gave him a hope. By reaching out to a person I knew I was with financial help able to send him to the Polytechnic school he was accepted to. 

For the first time in six years he was travelling to see his mom and brothers and sisters in he rural village outside of Nairobi. His mom was working in as a house keeper and taking care of their kids. The siblings went to school and it was a good time. Even though the conditions they were living under was not the best, they were still having a roof over their heads and food each day. 


This devastating message arrived in my inbox. 

Peter travelled there in the summer holiday to give them hope and to help out. Mom still had hope and got some odd jobs and tried to keep her faith up. We have been praying that she will get a job. With four mouths to feed and no real income it is impossible to manage. But we had hope they were doing well. Mom is never one that want's to complain or ask for help. Which I can relate to. I've been helping them with some school fees for the two youngest and built a latrine (the bank refused to give her a loan), so that the sanitary conditions would not cause illness. 


When Peter arrived now for Christmas, what he saw was devastating. They went days without meals. That was when I decided that we need to do something to give them urgent help but also something that would help them for the future. The biggest concern I have is for the kids to be exploited. Especially for the now 14 year old girl who is waiting to start Secondary school (High School).


To help people in these conditions one need to look at what can help them build a future and hope. Just giving urgent help with food only is not sufficient. So buying chickens and goats is something that will give the nutritional milk, and eggs for food. Also they can bread and sell, and will sustain them for the future. I've made a list for the plans:


-buy mattresses for the bunk-beds to the kids (as they have been sold to provide food)

-Build an enclosure and and a hatching place/shelter for the poultry. Padlock for the safety.

-Build the kitchen with door and padlock to secure the goats at night. 

-Enclose a garden patch to keep the goats from eating the veggies and kale.

-buy chickens


-buy 4 goats 



As a wonderful gift that brings life, give away a goat that can be a blessing that multiples.




As a wonderful gift that brings life, give away a goat that can be a blessing that multiples.


Stones of Meaning

Sow a seed

Look at the different payment options to give for this mission.



We need people who would commit to help the kids long term with schooling.

-Primary school- 6 USD a semester for each kid . (the two youngest)

-Secondary school 50 USD each semester. Includes lunch. (the two oldest)

-Then continue to help them with university/college. 

Do you feel it in your heart to help this family to get a hope for a future, please sow a seed. No seed is to little.

When you give you will get access to a private page where you can follow the work and how the family is doing.

To get access you need to sign up to become a member
It is possible for Ugandan, Kenyan and Norwegian citizens to give through mobile pay. Please contact for further information.

Hope for a future

Many young people being in the missions or orphanage system enter into adulthood at 18. With no support system or network they enter into adulthood with no brighter future then when they go into the system

No matter how good grades they made on  Secondary School they can not afford to continue higher education. My prayer is to continue to help the ones God leads into my path and help them make a future for them self and the country.


The grace of God

Saved healed & delivered.png

I'm so incredible blessed to have God send me amazing young people my way, that are on fire for God. Youth that know the true Christ as their Messiah and call upon the name of Jesus with the revelation of who he is. That has no doubt that they are saved by grace and the power of the blood of Jesus.

In Uganda I have many good contacts but at this point only one son. He is leading the mission end evangelising in Uganda. His dream is to be able to buy a bible for everyone that receive Jesus into their heart though his ministry. 

Kabanda is a man of great humility and knows who his Father is. You can see his testimony in this video.

The Mission

The bussines

In Kampala Kabanda run a chapati bussines. We want to see more people start their own bussines so that they will be able to sow into the Kingdom of God. Empowering other people to grow in faith and ministry. 

In this shop Kabanda share the gospel of Jesus and he wants to be able to give all who recieve Jesus as their saviour a bible. So far we have been able to distribute 24 Bibles. Every day he sees new people recieve Jesus and freedom from sin and addictions. 

The Bible centre

In the shop we have now one Study Bibel at disposal for all visitors to read and study the word of God. It is an aim to be able to supply texts and Bible commentaries in the local language for free disposal. 

In long term we hope to be able to start a center where people can get free Bible studies, trough mentoring, group work and self studies. And Eileen's vision is to be able to provide free WiFi for people to get access to free bible teaching online. 

If you want to sow into this vision and partner, or to buy more Bible materials, pelase contact me for more details. 
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