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The grace of God

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I'm so incredible blessed to have God send me amazing young people my way, that are on fire for God. Youth that know the true Christ as their Messiah and call upon the name of Jesus with the revelation of who he is. That has no doubt that they are saved by grace and the power of the blood of Jesus.


In Uganda I have many good contacts but at this point only one son. He is leading the mission end evangelising in Uganda. His dream is to be able to buy a bible for everyone that receive Jesus into their heart though his ministry. 


Kabanda is a man of great humility and knows who his Father is. You can see his testimony in this video.

The Mission

The bussines

In Kampala Kabanda run a chapati bussines. We want to see more people start their own bussines so that they will be able to sow into the Kingdom of God. Empowering other people to grow in faith and ministry. 


In this shop Kabanda share the gospel of Jesus and he wants to be able to give all who recieve Jesus as their saviour a bible. So far we have been able to distribute 24 Bibles. Every day he sees new people recieve Jesus and freedom from sin and addictions. 

The Bible centre

In the shop we have now one Study Bibel at disposal for all visitors to read and study the word of God. It is an aim to be able to supply texts and Bible commentaries in the local language for free disposal. 


In long term we hope to be able to start a center where people can get free Bible studies, trough mentoring, group work and self studies. And Eileen's vision is to be able to provide free WiFi for people to get access to free bible teaching online. 

If you want to sow into this vision and partner, or to buy more Bible materials, pelase contact me for more details. 
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