Inner healing and deliverance
"If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."
1. Cor 12:26
Inner healing
When people fall and hit them self on the ground it is easy to see the bruising. Somethings heal it self, but other times the fall can cause broken bones or even bleeding that is not visible. Then you would normally go to the hospital to examine what needs to be done for the injury to heal properly. Sometime you would need an operation and even physical therapy for some time to get back to living as normal as you can.
In the healing process you sometimes need other people to help get you back on you feet. An untreated injury may also effect other parts of you body as well and cause pain if it doesn't get treated.
Most people make bad decisions that can cause pain to them or others. Sometimes the bad things happen to you or others that causes wounds in your heart and soul. Other times we can cause pain to our selves and live in shame and self condemnation.
This is when you might need help from others to get free form the the old behavior that keep you living in sin, or pain that holds you back from living a life in the fullness of what God has called you to.
Deliverance is defined as “a rescue from bondage or danger.” This is a result when Jesus is invited into the hurt and broken areas in peoples lives. He comes with His light, life, power, grace and love and brings healing, restoration and freedom.

A new commandment I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so also you must love one another.
John 13:34
About me and how I work
I have been walking a long road with the Lord and sought healing in so many areas. I am still a work in progress but I have managed by the help and grace of God to overcome so many obstacles through out my life. I've seen and broken so many of the enemy's lies over my life, with help from other people interceding as well as through repenting and standing accountable with my life to someone I trust and who are living a life of holiness. I have beautiful spiritual mothers who have long track records in inner healing and deliverance. God is so good and faithful.
The testimonies of what Jesus has done in my life and the freedom from darkness I have received are so great and many.
I have prayed for many people to receive both physical- and inner healing. I have also taught on this in different settings. If you would like to make an appointment I do healing- and deliverance ministry by Skype.
Often on the streets I pray for people that does not know Jesus so I don't have this typical "Christian language". I can mentor and speak life to people who need help and one does not already have to know Jesus. We are all God's creation, Jesus is love and perfect Love cast out fear.