There are many paths to walk on, but only one will bring you life.

I frequently get calls from "tech support in Microsoft". It’s not from that company, but rather a person from Asia committing a criminal act by luring western people to give up personal and credit information. The ones who call me are normally from India and are Hindus or Muslims. It gives me a chance to pray for them and share the gospel. Though, the last few times I’ve not felt to do this. Even yesterday I said to the person calling, “why do you do this scam?” The person hung up. Today though I was in the middle of my bible study and this woman from “Microsoft” rang. I felt the urge to ask her if she believed in Jesus Christ as her Messiah? She said, “yes”. This is the first time I’ve ever come across a Christian on these calls.
As she was a woman of faith I said to her, “you know what you are doing is not right?” Then I started to pray for my sister in Christ. I prayed healing and restoration to her and her family. A prayer of encouragement and empowerment. I asked God to bless her, to bless my sister in Christ. Then, when I said goodbye I heard her crying. She had been touched by Jesus.
When I hung up I was crying too. My heart was broken for her. For her life and situation. She has been given the opportunity to earn money for her family, but the source of that income is keeping her in sin. It keeps her away from walking in the presence of God. This looks different for all of us, but the forces of darkness are the same.

In times of despair it’s hard to see further than once own situation, here and now. That makes us take choices that’s not good for us and causes harm to others. If we learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and let Him guide us we are sure to keep close to God’s will for our life.
We need to trust God that he has the best way for our life and seek Him in all matter. When we do walk towards a cliff, metaphorically, God will always give us a heads up. Either through the still small voice of God, supernatural intervening or by a person who is guided by the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a Christian believer either. And when God does so, and the Holy Spirit convict us in our sin, it is up to us to turn around from our old ways. We get chance to choose the righteous path of God towards holiness and walk away from sin.

It's on this path of righteousness that we will bask in God's presence and see heaven manifested on earth. It is on this path where you will have abundant of joy and life.
Psalm 25 | Acts 2:25-28 | Matthew 6:33 | Psalm 16:11