So, you are a born-again believer, but you find yourself in a constant battle of sin or feeling of defeat. Why is that and what can you do about it?
You might have believed in Jesus your hole life, or you might just come to know him. The struggles are the same if you don’t start to let Jesus into the areas you are struggling with. There is nothing God don’t already know about your life, your situation or struggle. Jesus died so we may all have a relationship with the Father and know him. He want’s us to seek him and ask for the desires of our heart.

Often, we believe we can handle our situation on our own but when Jesus asked us to follow Him, he wanted us to let him take care of all our needs. That includes our physical and emotional , addictions, learnt behaviour as well as the practical things. As you choose to listen to God’s words through reading the bible and listening to his still small voice you will become more aware of the plans He has for you life, and it is for you to live in freedom from all which was part of your old being before you got saved.
Believing that all the old behavior patterns are suddenly gone might not always be so wise. Oh, yes Jesus does miracles today, but if you are not yet free of nicotine addiction, slandering, self-pity, feeling like a victim, anger, pornography and other old bad habits that doesn’t align with your new creation in Christ, you might need to start a process of recognizing you are not yet there and turn away from the that. Repentance is an action, it is something you need to choose to do, but when you are IN Christ Jesus you are not alone anymore. He is with you every step of the way and giving you ALL the strength you need. Just acknowledge that you can’t do it on your own. Give Jesus permission to help you.

When you start on the journey with God to gain freedom in all the areas in your life you might need some tools to help you with that. They are all written in the bible but is not always easy to find out yourself. Many great women and men of God have written books or taught on different subjects, you might want to search out what might be helpful in your situation. Sometimes you need some more help from a person in the body of Christ that can walk out the freedom with you. Someone that you can feel safe to confess your sins to and whom you can be accountable to. It might be your pastor or someone else that you trust, whom live a godly life. Doing that with someone who struggles with problems similar to yours is not to recommend, if they not already are are living in freedom from that sin and has been for a quite while.

We all want to know God better and not feel distant from him. Our old ways do that, it makes us feel like we don’t know Him or He doesn’t know us. That is a lie. God loved us so much that he gave is only son, Jesus Christ, to die so that all our sins was washed clean by Jesus blood, so that we may know the Father. It was done 2000 years ago. Our sins are forgiven. We need to learn how to live in the freedom that Jesus has given us. Just like a little child needs to learn what not to do and what to do, we need to let The Holy Spirit teach us how to live as new creations, so that we'll never have any doubt that God, the Father, loves us with an unconditional love. He wants us to be full of life and be a blessing to others, just as he created each and every one of us.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope
Believe this, that God will help you as you turn around from your old way and adapt to his way and plans for your life.