There is a saying, you are to play the cards you have been dealtht. This is often used in context with life being tough, unfair and having to cope with life as it is. We might even perceive this as the truth, if one does not include God into the equation.

A gloomy picture flashes before my eyes. A scene takes place of me sitting on a wooden chair in the kitchen. Some cards are laying on the table in front of me. I pick them up in my hand and look at them. The value and colour on the cards are words and pictures of things I know all too well. The reality of some of them would make one never get up again in the morning, waiting for the time to disappear. Sometimes I have tried to do just that. But there is something that has always held me up, bringing me hope when there was nothing to hope for. Some cards I hold in my hand are depicted words I have heard so many times before; you will never turn into anything, loser, shame, a burden, unworthy. Words spoken by others over me, actions done to me to reinforce this.
It's easy to believe that this is all there is, but then, some of the valour on the cards have faded over the years. Just as if they’ve been left in the sunshine. Some of them are faded to the sense I perceive them as blank. Such cards one can use as anything. I take a look around me.There is a card I know I used to have but I haven't seen in a while. There it is. Lying face down on the floor, between one of the legs of the table and the wall. Due to its position I find it easy to pick it up from the floor. I hold it in my hand and on it is depicted a cross, an anchor and a heart.
My heart is filled with the belief that all these other cards are trumped with the greatest value, nothing can take away my faith and trust of this. And then, when I look at these other cards that are now on the table, I start to see new words and value covering them. Where I saw the word unworthy it is now worthy, where it said looser it now says precious treasure, shame has been replaced with restored. Hope begins to rise inside me and the feeling of joy enters my heart. Slowly but surely, love begins to seep into my heart, that a little while ago had felt hard as a rock. My weakness is starting to be replaced with something so much bigger than myself. It is almost like I am enlarged to make room for more of what I am filled with.
The more I am filled with this faith, hope and love, I know that I do not need the old cards I had on my hand. I leave them on the table. I feel a strength filling me from the top of my head to the tip of my toe. A strength that is not my own. The card with the cross, the anchor and the heart remains in my hand. This time I'll keep the truth in my heart. Outside the sun is shining and I open the kitchen door. The scent of spring and the light from the sun fills the room. There, right outside, the willow is budding. It's a new day.

Maybe you are holding onto something that you should hand over to Jesus? Then this is the time to let it go.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. -Matthew 11:28-30
Find peace in knowing that Papa God knows all about you and your situation. He is greater than any circumstance. So just let your burdens and past hurt go and come into your Fathers rest.
This text is translatet into English from my Norwegian blog Jesus i Hjertet. Hope you are blessed. If you want to help with translation of this page into your language please contact me.