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What shall I render to Jehova?

Writer's picture: Eileen BoreEileen Bore

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

The act of giving is a blessing, even though it sometimes hurts. But the act of selfless giving is something that God has placed within us, and when we align us with God’s intention we will see his blessings flow.

I was sitting in the Kenyan guest house eating breakfast when a song came on TV. It gripped my heart. God knew the sacrifices I made to be there ministering in the schools, prison, churches in the mission field. He had said go, and as usual I obey his voice. It is such a blessing to do what God calls me to, but it is always a big sacrifice. But when I walk in the steps that God has ordained I’m in awe of the manifestation of his goodness, the healing, freedom from brokenness and the deliverance. It is an honour to be used for his glory.

I’ve been given the chance to help other people, not because I’m good, but it’s for the love and compassion for the lost and the broken that God has given me. I love because God loved me first.

God has taken me from such darkness. Even the teachers in my school growing up told me I would come to nothing. Maybe in the eyes of the world they would agree, but in the eyes of the Father who called me by my name I will always be the apple of his eye. To me, that is all that matters. I’ve made many choices through the years to follow him, but in my brokenness I didn't have the revelation of who Jesus really was. I knew the voice of the Father but I didn’t know the sacrifice and love of God through Jesus. Then when I started to search him out, he revealed himself to me. In a vision he showed me that he was there when I was abused and bullied as a child, he held my hand when I walked through darkness and he was there when I sinned. He never left me and he covered me with HIS righteousness. He restored my mind, my soul and he made all things new.

When God takes one through storm after storm, valley after valley, you know that there is nothing that you can’t do through the one who strengthens you. The mountain of unbelief are cast into the sea, and it will never see the light of day again. All that God has given us is for us to give away again. We will lose nothing, only gain everything. It’s his promise. Not because we make ourselves worthy, but because he makes us worthy through his grace and love.

I’ve been given the chance to help other people, not because I’m good, but it’s for the love and compassion for the lost and the broken that God has given me. I love because God loved me first.

The song that gripped my heart during that breakfast, in the freshness of the Kenyan morning, confirmed the love and hunger for giving back to the people whom God loves. Give from the little money I have, sacrifice my family-time and comfort. God blessed me with his love. There are no other pleasures in life that goes beyond to be ravished by the love of the Father, as we give out of what he has blessed us with.



-Recognise what God has blessed you with and give thanks to him. It could be finances, a voice, cooking, serving in any capacity, language, praying, healing from brokenness, your testimony...

-Then start to give of what God has blessed you with. If it makes you uncomfortable, stretches you, then it’s a clear indication you are doing the right thing. The devil does not want you to move into God’s plan for your life. Step out of your comfort zone and you will see that the dry places in your life will be filled with the living water.




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